We find places where AI makes human lives better.

In the race to integrate AI into your business, it can be tempting to sign on with the first consultancy that pops into your search results. But it’s not just about adding AI tools—you need designers who understand how humans interact with technology.

It's a big transition. We can help.


Much AI implementation and consumption these days is gratuitous, added not because it’s needed but simply to check a box. We’ve been working on tools for approachable AI interactions for over a decade—our very first client was an AI company—and understand inherently how it needs to be approached.

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We wield generative AI as a tool, an enabler, and an applied technology platform for more empowered human experiences.

If the AI marketing machine is to be believed, the use cases and benefits of this technology are infinite. But it’s not just about using the latest tool. It’s knowing how to implement AI where it matters across the spectrum of your business and operations.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your customer service capabilities with custom AI chatbots, unlock powerful data insights with AI analysis tools, or get expert AI software consulting tailored to your business needs, argo can help.

AI as an accelerant 

Humans will always be the experts on humanity and human-centered design. We treat generative AI like any other design tool and use it for exploration, inspiration, and acceleration before switching to human discernment and taste. Prompt engineering is part of our workflow for vision and concept development while making sure to protect all client data and trademarks. 

Design systems for AI 

We create comprehensive design systems, UI component libraries, and complementary data schemas that are consumable by both AI and humans. As direct expressions of this technology, these product application frameworks let companies wield AI without fear of hallucination and without counteracting brand experiences or principles.

Service design with AI 

We build full-stack product and service experiences empowered by AI capabilities. These experiences deliver accessible HMI interactions, contextual intelligence, collaborative partnership and meaningful personalization across the digital-physical continuum. Here, we elegantly weave AI into natural experiences with a deep understanding of how to choreograph the dance between human and non-human events. 

Get in Touch

Our clients vary a lot in terms of size, market, and technology. Every relationship starts with a conversation.

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Explore our work

argo has been at the forefront of designing AI tools for developers, analysts, and SMEs for a decade. Our team of designers and technologists turn complex tasks into easy-to-use interfaces to expand the value of AI beyond engineering teams.

Builder's Natasha AI-driven application development


An appealing, multi-faceted UI jump-starts app development and scales to enterprise-level adoption.

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Microsoft Azure AI Studio Logo

A new logo mark for one of the foremost leaders in AI

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An image of Blaize data prediction configuration

Blaize AI

An intuitive user-guided interface to train AI models, making AI development more accessible to all.

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An array of Salesforce Customer 360 digital components


Using AI to model behavior and create custom website experiences for every visitor.

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Cognitive Scale

Scalable interface for implementing AI campaigns. 

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It's All About the Interface

6 ways generative AI will change how users interact with your products

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We Can Help

  • Product & Process Innovation 


    Imagine how AI can amplify the value of your existing products with new features or improved user experiences.

  • AI Management & New Paradigms 


    We design the interfaces that manage and deploy AI and Generative AI Systems.

  • Future Proofing


    We create design systems, hero flows, and key features organized to be the foundation for AI deployments over time.

  • Design and deploy AI-assisted tools for your employees. Create workflow-tuned tools and services to amplify your workforce.

  • AI operating systems will shift the foundations of how we interact with computing. Leverage our experience thinking through core patterns and operating systems.

  • Use our research & strategy capability to forecast the impact generative AI might have on your business.

  • Use AI with design & product management teams to amplify their productivity.

  • Build functional prototypes to cultivate institutional knowledge on how to get value from AI, manage AI properties, and prepare for larger deployments.

  • Create visual, concrete visions of your future end-to-end product experience after the introduction of AI. Align the business around a single vision to unlock progress.

Generative AI Workshop

We've conducted our Generative AI training and ideation workshops for executive leaders from Sam's Club, Ascension, AT&T, and Goodwill, among others. We can help your organization learn about the generative AI landscape, come up with unexpected use cases, and help prioritize those use cases based on your current capabilities.

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